Sunday, January 17, 2010

Now or Later

I have been approached by a couple of people who suggest that instead of working and saving money for the Midwifery program I want to attend, I should just borrow the money so that my education will be complete much sooner. There are a few reasons that I am not in favor of this idea, and I'd like to explain them. If you have any further comments or suggestions about how I might improve my plans, feel free.

First, the cost of the program I mentioned was a modest estimate and only included the academic training. It would be around $3,000 for three months of training in Boise plus room and board. The trouble is that there will still be various expenses while I am there. I will have to pay for transportation to and from Boise, continue paying my cell phone bill, any group activities, etc. Also, I will have to complete my education with an internship. I did not mention this added cost in the previous post. The option I would like is interning at a Missionary Birth Center in the Philippines. This is $2,000 per month and takes approx. three months. Room and board is provided, but I will need some extra cash and will have to pay for my plane tickets, as well as any travel vaccinations I will need. I do not currently have health insurance and I will need about 5 vaccines.

My other reason, which is less related to money, is that once I become a Certified Professional Midwife I will most likely relocate. CPMs are not recognized in the state of Kentucky and practicing that kind of midwifery here will not pay the bills, especially for someone just starting out. I couldn't be a midwife while working another job, due to the unpredictable schedule of births. Waiting to go to midwifery school while I save money will allow me more time in Kentucky with family and friends. When I complete school and relocate, that will also have it's expenses since I will need to pay for a place to live, gas, phone, etc. When all of this is added together, it is far to much for me to borrow. Working at a job first may allow me to go to school for three months, then return to my previous job while saving up for the internship, then work again while saving up to move. Get the picture?

And last, but most importantly I feel that it is not God's plan for me to jump into this right away. I believe that I need to do some things in transition that will better prepare me for the road ahead. I would appreciate your prayers in the mean time and hope that I can get started on a job and saving money soon!

Here is a list of the states I will be able to move to and practice in when I am a Midwife: Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin.


  1. Hi Jessica! I'm also on the road to midwifery- but the long way- I'm going the CNM route. My family decided the best thing for us was to borrow money with student loans. My rationale is that I could work a low paying job and save the money, or I could get my degree and work a higher paying job and pay it off sooner. Either way I have to pay it off- just the latter way will take less time. Good luck in your decision- either way will get you there! ;). There is a birthing center in Orem, Ut that could give you some excellent info on being a CPM. You should call and pick their brains sometime. There are about 10 CPMs that work there and also they have a fabulous internship program.
